Michelle is very happy to see Hsin when she has some free time. We all should have problems like this.
Archive for comic
Brian believes in improvising… All the time. Because of that, something like a schedule is something that happens to other people. At least the ones that aren’t part of his plans.
Brian has been warned about using military metephors before. After all it’s only a matter of time before someone takes him literally and calls the cops.
It looks like the band loft’s supply closet is Michelle’s favorite place to spend time with Hsin when they’re at work. Frankly, it’s a miracle the place isn’t furnished yet. Obviously, this is a subject that Dielle and the Band[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
It looks like Brian arrived just in time. Who knows how the meeting would have gone if the think tank had finished the coffee and donuts. At least that’s the scenario Olive is imagining. Brian seems to be paraphrasing Terry[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Because Laurel’s job to worry about all of the things Brian might let loose. When I first started to write this strip I was imagining Laurel coming in so late because she was researching something. She may still be doing[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Olive has many hats at Fitzpatrick Consulting, with being “person who does the lunch runs” being only one of them. Other titles includes “Senior Filing Clerk” and “Bodyguard”. She got the position of senior filing clerk when Rowan made Fran[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Plans For The Evening
Hilda’s gotten so good at micromanaging Kate’s life she even plans her social life. Thus far, Kate has been too busy finishing her book to notice.
Fran Survived The Meeting
So Fran survived the meeting. Yes, we know she would, but there still was concern about PTSD and psychological damage. This is not the first time Fran’s savant level typing skills have come up. It’s why Rowan made her her[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…