Archive for comic
Brian isn’t deliberately keeping secrets from everybody. He just assumes his thought process is obvious, and everyone will figure it all out.
Second Opinion
Even Brian needs a second opinion. Whether he pays any attention to it is anyone’s guess, but he will seek it out. Olive is about as good as Fran is when it comes to noticing inuendo and other subtle hints.
Having identified his data, (or, as Olive wants to call it, “hush hush stuff) Brian is off to carry out the plan he just came up with minutes ago If mention’s of Zurich, Switzerland sounds familiar, here’s why.
“Urban Camouflage” has been my favorite term for having to wear a suit to work for years. So, I don’t see any reason not to popularize it in the strip. In fact, this is not the first time we’ve heard[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
It’s easy to assume that Kate wins this contest hands down. That’s mainly because she complains more. While we haven’t seen as much of it, Nancy has had virtually no free time this month. On top of that, as she[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
“Gosh, it must suck to be you”, is something Kate’s heard people say when she’s complaining about her success way too many times. She’s sick of it. To her surprise, Nancy isn’t saying this. Because Kate now complains about deadlines[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
For once Kate has plenty of time for whatever trip Kris has inflicted on her. We first hear about Kate’s upcoming trip to Zurich here. Is it just a coincidence that someone else we know is going to Zurich? Of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Is It Morning Already?
Mr. Zhu had barely noticed that it was morning. The last few weeks had been hectic everyone had done there job guaranteeing that the Circle Band had a slow and tedious trip. He would have been pleased with everybody’s progress[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…