It had taken them forever to get to the Hotel roof to start their mission. First, they had to wait for it to get dark without drawing attention.

This hadn’t been easy since Peaseblossom’s idea of this was to “act inconspicuous”.  This consisted of being a sore loser at the Bigtop lounge’s many carnival games and lying badly when anyone asked her what she was up to.  On top of this, she continued to run up a huge tab at the bar and brag about being a very important person.

She only stopped when they had to save Bert from being mauled by a woman’s pet wolverine. By the time they left Kevin was pretty sure there wasn’t a single person who hadn’t noticed them.

As the sun set, it began to get cloudy and Kevin could hear thunder in the distance. The high tower looked even taller then it did in the daylight. Bellow them the lights of the city seemed to go on forever.

Peaseblossom flitted around making sure nobody had followed them. “There it be!” She said. “Ye need t’get to the Penthouse.”