Finding herself drafted into Estie’s circle of friends means Kate will have to deal with more reporters. This was something she did NOT want to deal with. Having said that Kate should learn to be very careful about speaking these wishes out loud. Mrs. Ziegntochter is old school.

Alex appears to be talking about what would happen if the events of Havana Sunset were real. Since Havana Sunset, formally known as “My Evening With Che” is a romanticized alternate history that all of us living in said alternate history like to call the Cuban Revolution, I have to agree with Kate.

I didn’t mean to make Alex such a doofus. I think I just meant him as my version of Keanu Reeves. He ended up being like one of Reeves’s best-known characters. I only realized that Alex is a dead ringer for Thatotherstan’s Border Guard a couple of days after I finished this. (Whether this turns out to be a plot point or not, remains to be seen)