It’s going to be another busy weekend for Kate, and it looks like she won’t be able to get any work done. We haven’t seen Kris for a while, even though she was doing some things off-screen with Michelle. Maybe[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged Personal Assistants
You’d think that Kate would have learned not to use figures of speech, or hyperbole, in Hilda’s presence. Having said that, by saying she doesn’t plan to die in front of Hilda, means that she may have expanded her life[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
You’d think that after having Hilda for a personal assistant all this time, that Kate would remember she has trouble with figures of speech. Whether this means that she doesn’t understand them or doesn’t have any use for them is[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Stick To The Schedule
Sometimes having a schedule, and a large personal assistant to enforce it, can be a useful thing, In the meantime, the conversation will continue in the evening at the Peach Blossom. It will be about the same as a dozen[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Now that the renovations for Lysistrata have been completed, the countdown for the grand opening has begun. Naturally, Hilda has everything in hand leaving Kate wondering if she has any place in the business she owns. Especially since Lisa seems[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Kate’s tour of the new Lysistrata was fun while it lasted. Now it’s back to writing where she’s mostly free of distractions before her next deadlines. Hilda will tell her boss what those distractions are when she needs to know.