The concept of a “Winter Camp” came quickly to me. The execution was a little harder. I started with the simple question do “winter camps” ie, something like the traditional American summer camp, only in the winter, exist? As far as I could tell, not counting assorted sports camps, they do not. This was okay, after the whole point of a fictional setting is to make stuff up. Even so, I found it frustrating when trying to find, for lack of a better word, suggestions.

My biggest problem was trying to figure out the costumes. I tried to get a basic idea for the counselors by doing a basic search of “winter camp counselors” in Google Images. This yielded frustrating results. Nothing comes closer to believing that Google Images is trying to convince you it’s useless is when you get pictures of teenagers in shorts when one of your search parameters was winter.

In the end, I gave everyone tracksuits.